
Events organised or supported by HKMAG

A list of events that are organised, co-organised or supported by HKMAG

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CMA-CGM Libra - Unseaworthiness implications

On behalf of the Hong Kong Branch of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Indian Maritime University, London Maritime Arbitrators Association, Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group and Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration - we invite you to attend below jointly organised free webinar where the distinguished panelists will discuss the recent decision on CMA CGM Libra and its future implications.

"CMA-CGM Libra: Unseaworthiness (qua carrier v qua navigator) - Implications"

Mr. Punit Oza

Ms. Amanda Hastings
Mr. Michael Allen
Mr. Edward Liu
Mr. Jai Sharma
Mr. Michal Hain

Session Chair:
Mr. Clive Aston

Mr. Jagmeet Makkar

The panelists will provide a brief overview of the case and that will be followed by discussion on the legal principles, seaworthiness, implications for the shipowners, evidence collection, cargo claims and the duty to exercise due diligence.

Please include your questions while registering for the event.

Registration link: please click HERE

The flyer for the event may be downloaded from here